Appreciate this piece for the fact that you acknowledge the one thing that Trump has continually utilized over the course of his campaign to the 216 election and throughout the almost 4 years he has devalued, embarrassed, deconstructed and manipulated our nation; that being the media megaphone droning 14/7 on what he says, thinks, feels, wants, does, wishes and hates. There were voices in media stating his use( or should i say abuse) of the national media in his campaign and run up to the election amounted to essentially free pub and a overbearing megaphone of everything trump simply because his message was uncharacteristic, outrageous, irrational, destructive and ultimately, dictatorial, simply because it was a profit engine.

We now see the price paid by the nation, it's people, it's institutions, our future.

Weaning yourself off everything Trump needed to have begun shortly after the inauguration simply because it was clear then that our new president was more "reality" TV celebrity than concerned, committed civil servant. Then much to everyone's surprise, we learned that this man has no morality, empathy, mentality, intelligence or soul. He's is also a nonreader, avid TV addict and fast food junkie. He's a fat assed lazy golf cheat who "married" another gold digging power hungry model who also has no soul. To this day, national media continues to spread and amplify the conspiracies, lies and gaslighting that has effectively brainwashed 40% of the population and rendered them wandering, mindless cultists.

It is easy for me to point my finger at the need to chase profit now that I am out of the game but, shame falls to all who gave this monster a voice, actually an amplified nonstop elevator loop played at full volume wherever a person decided to be. Will it finally end now or will the "don" continue forward full fascist and continue to use the free megaphone?

Can we finally turn it off? Oh, is that sweet silence I hear?

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The article "Tuning Out the Trump Show" is a excellent depiction of what our country needs to do. This man has been provided the attention of both his supporters and those outraged by his actions. I have tried as hard as I know how to understand the GOP and the seventy million who voted for Trump. The conclusion is that there is no justification for aligning yourself with cruelty, greed, abuse of power, destroying all institutions meant to protect us. The amount of destruction this man has caused on our country in loss of lives alone is a Crime Against Humanity. We the people need to recognize that Trump lives on this attention positive or negative. It is the fuel he required to live in our heads and hearts. No More! Instead all those who align themselves with honesty, Environmental, Social, Economic, Racial and Moral Justice must unite. It is the latter that needs your attention, deserves your attention. Here we can give our attention to heal and to move forward in the process of making this a better world for you and me.

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The only fascists are the "Never Trumpers", BLM, ANTIFA, Corporate Media and anyone who supports the Democratic party. What has happened the past 4 years makes living in Mexico or Cuba a more desirable situation. You all are an embarrassment to yourselves, to this country, to all the men and women who died fighting for Freedom that every American has enjoyed for years. Notice how I say American. They didn't die so some serial rapist from south and central America could use the southern border as a human trafficking's pathway and then use all of Americas great resources when they get caught. The fact that you all are so easily tricked into being complacent, not thinking for yourselves, and feeling like the only way you will survive the common cold is by letting the government run your lives. You are wishing death upon anyone who speaks out against the tyranny of mask mandates and closures of small businesses but applaud and join anyone who marches in the streets without masks, rapes, murders, pillages, and burns down those small businesses. You are all hypocrites, feeble minded pathetic losers. Now I am going to give you a history lesson on what happened in Nazi Germany before they took power and what they actually stood for and wanted to have happen. First thing I want to point out is their name. Nationalist Socialist Party. This is exactly what the left has said they are for years now. Democratic Socialists. You supposedly love America but you are also Socialists. So we have that. Now the Nazi party also controlled the Media. They only let what they deemed "accurate" to be able to reach the population. They fact checked everything. Nothing could be printed or put out without their stamp of approval. Facebook and Twitter are arms of the Democratic party. There is no denying this. Second the Nazis believed in sustainabilty of the earths resources. They believed in "climate change" and they believed that it was their duty to make sure that the earth was preserved for future generations. This was based off of no Science what so ever, just like climate change is based off of junk science. How are you going to tell me that this planet needs less CO2 emissions when the main chemical that is used in Photosynthesis in plants to produce the oxygen that we breathe? So you don't want plants to live anymore?

So you don't want oxygen to be produced anymore? This notion that CO2 is causing the earth to heat up to levels that will totally destroy the earth are rediculous. First of all the earth has been around for billions and billions of years and it will be around for billions and billions of years more. Until the sun dies. But before the sun dies, it will get hotter. Which it is doing right now. Every year it gets closer and closer to the end of its lifetime and there is no stopping the sun ending. That is a fact. Getting back to the Nazis though, which you guys are, They were the first to push for renewable energy and institutionalized organic farming and land use planning. Now the Biden Administration has already said that they will be TAKING peoples farm land with no compensation and giving it to black and brown farmers. There is nothing different between this and the Nazis taking over Poland. Absolutely nothing different. The concept is exactly the same. The Nazi Party also were the party of science. Yes you heard that correctly, the same thing the Democrats say, except they were the party of the science that pushed their fascist agenda. Similar to the left today only acknowledging science when its convenient to them. The science behind the lockdowns points to them being totally destructive and not helpful, yet the left pushes them on people and just says to do what they say. The science behind masks is that they barely help control the spread if at all and many scientists say they actually spread the virus more, yet the left just say they help and that's that Anyone who says different is a science denier and a Trump supporter. The fact that the Democrats have used the pretext of the Corona Virus as their arson of the Reichstag, to pass an enabling acts that in effect replace the constitution should just tell everyone they need to know about the Left. This guy James Becker probably has a BLM sign out in his front lawn, next to a Science matters sign, with a Biden sign next to that. He wants to talk about being a cultist he literally voted for someone who admitted on video to quid pro quoing Ukraine in order for them to fire the investigator who was looking into his sons business dealings with Burisma. Which we now know that not only did he know about these deals, but he is the "big guy" who got 10% from a Chinese energy company. A guy who chose his running mate solely based on the color of her skin and the fact that she was a women. Nothing else. She called him a rapist last year and he still chose her. You voted for a guy that has been a racist since he joined the senate 40 years ago. You voted for a guy who can't even get through a speech without talking about how much Trump has failed us or coughing or completely losing his train of thought and forgetting what he was saying. You voted for a guy who used a shell company in Delaware to launder money through when he and Obama ran on the promise that they would end the Shell company loop holes. You voted for a guy that literally stayed in his basement for months this summer and not once condemend the unamerican and deplorable actions of both Antifa and BLM. A guy who called Hunter Bidens laptop information from October, Russian Disinformation, during a debate claiming it had been debunked by 50 former intelligence officials yet 4 days ago the FBI comes out and says they are investigating Hunter and his laptop. They claim taxes yet money laundering always includes a tax charge. You did all of this because you don't think Trump has enough "empathy." You think he is "unpresidential." You believe the Russian Hoax that one person has already gone to jail over. And I am not talking about members of his "party" and "administration" that went to jail over "lying" about totally unrelatable things just so that Muehler could say arrests were made. You guys suck. Now the election fraud is out there. Your party has effectively destroyed any resemblence of trust in the government or that anything they say is based on facts. Now if the GOP doesnt start acting towards making this right and eradicating the treason from the left, the 3% of Americans that fought the British to found this great experiment called America are going to have to stand up again and restore the power to the people. See we are a Constitutional Federal Republic, we have never been a Democracy. And we will never be a Democracy and we sure as hell will never be a Democratic Socialist Country. LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC!!! ALL TRAITORS MUST GO!!!!

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